RBR Virtual Instructor

A virtual teacher to understand the parts of your car and learn rally driving techniques.

You can acces on pc, tablet and phone.

Languages: French, English, Italian, Russian.


RBR Virtual Examinator (wip)

An examiner who asks you questions to assess your rally knowledge.

You can acces on pc, tablet and phone.

Languages: French, English, Italian, Russian.

LINK (not yet)

To do:

- All questions and answer for all situation

RBR Virtual Engineer (wip)

 This is a virtual engineer who asks questions about your driving feelings and suggests adjustments to improve your car.

You can acces on pc, tablet and phone.

LINK (not yet)

Languages: French, English, Italian, Russian.

To do:

- All questions and answer for all situation in english, italian and russian. French is finish.